How to Synthesize Information the Smart Way

Reading and writing to synthesize means that a person reads information from many sources relating to a particular topic or question. The next step is to synthesize information, or extract information from each source that relates to the topic by supporting it, negating it, or offering additional detail. The following step requires processing the information by reacting to those pieces of information and sources and relating them to the topic or the main argument to create something new. It is important to note that as the writer reads to synthesize, they are simultaneously searching for relationships and connections among the ideas. To synthesize information from sources, a writer should follow a specific format.

For example, a firsthand written account of World War II is a primary source. Primary sources are considered the best sources to support the synthesis process or a research paper. In this sample paragraph, the paragraph begins with one idea then drastically shifts to another.

When students synthesize, they are made aware of how their thinking changes and evolves as they read a text. A synthesis matrix is useful when your sources are more varied in their purpose and structure – for example, when you’re dealing with books and essays making various different arguments about a topic. Read two different sources about a topic and record ideas. Edit notes and combine concepts that are similar. Synthesize by combining notes with what you already know about the topic. What does it mean to “Synthesize Articles” It means that in your literature review you examine a number of studies on a shared topic and note aspects that are of interest for your own work.

I know this all sounds kind of ambiguous right now, so let’s give the ideas above some more context. This information to become understandable to myself and then therefore to the layperson. D, the sequences then have to be carefully stored in vitro until they’re ready to be accessed again, or they can be spliced into living cells using CRISPR gene editing technology. Although more controversial than synthesizing meat from everyday plant materials like soy or wheat, the technology is growing fast. This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

Instead, explain your argument, and use the most compelling evidence you found to support it. You may have written a few synthesis essays in your English classes, but knowing how to synthesize information has value far beyond your Dracula essay. Whether you’re synthesizing literature for an essay, a literature review, or any other paper, you should make sure you can answer yes to all of these questions. By using topic sentences, you can ensure that your paragraphs are coherent and clearly show the connections between the articles you are discussing. One way to begin synthesizing the literature is to put your notes into a table. Depending on your topic and the type of literature you’re dealing with, there are a couple of different ways you can organize this.

Rather than comparing the sources, the author simply describes their content. This leads the paragraph to veer in an different direction at the end, and it prevents the paragraph from expressing any strong arguments or conclusions. Synthesis is defined as combining a number of different parts or ideas to come up with a new idea or theory. An example of synthesis is when you read several books and use all of the information to come up with a thesis on the subject. A whole made up of parts or elements put together. The social sciences—such as history, anthropology, sociology, and philosophy—rely heavily on synthesis.

As a member, you’ll also get unlimited access to over 84,000 lessons in math, English, science, history, and more. Plus, get practice tests, quizzes, and personalized coaching to help you succeed. While we may still talk about essays a little bit here, I’m going to show you how to synthesize information in a way that you can apply in a range of areas.

This makes it easier to compare and contrast relevant information. S – synthesize by combining notes with what you already know about the topic. “Synthesis” is the ability to combine parts of a whole in new and different ways. It requires students to think flexibly, determine alternatives, and find new ways to accomplish a given task. A more advanced level of abstract thinking is needed for synthesis.

What sets a synthesis apart from a summary is that it combines various sources. The easiest way to think about this is that each paragraph should discuss a few different sources, and you should be able to condense the overall point of the paragraph into one sentence. The summary table gives you a quick overview of the key points of each source.

The purpose of this chapter is to cite major conclusions, findings, and methodological issues related to the gap in the knowledge from Chapter 1. It is written for knowledgeable peers from easily retrievable sources of the most recent issue possible. Research synthesis is the integration of existing knowledge and research findings pertinent to an issue. The aim of synthesis is to increase the generality and applicability of those findings and to develop new knowledge through the process of integration.

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